Kim supports the firm's real estate, commercial, and probate attorneys in their respective areas of practice.
Email: kzipf@coopercargillchant.com
Phone: 603-356-5439

After having worked for a title company in western Pennsylvania travelling, serving, and conducting residential real estate closings for 10 different counties, Kim moved to New Hampshire. Kim initially joined the firm in 2003, when it was known as Cooper, Deans & Cargill, working alongside and assisting Ken Cargill in his growing practice. In 2008, she made the decision to devote all of her time to the most important job of her life – staying home full-time to support and raise her growing family. Not only did she stay busy with her family during this time, she also volunteered for her children’s school and various non-profit organizations in the Mount Washington Valley. After a 12-year hiatus from the firm, Kim returned to Cooper Cargill Chant in 2020. She supports the firm’s real estate, commercial, and probate attorneys in their respective areas of practice.


KidsQuest, Journey Church – volunteer
End 68 Hours of Hunger – packing crew coordinator/volunteer
Eastern Slope Ski Club – volunteer
Various sports clubs/teams – volunteer
New Hampshire Notary Public